Merle Haverkamp - 

deine Begleiterin aus der Krise! 

My professional qualifications:

- Licensed psychotherapist (KJP) (2011-2023 public and private practice)
- Psychotherapist according to the HPG in my own private practice (2005-2023)
- Systemic couples therapist, sex therapist, trauma therapist
- Certified MAP® practitioner
- Two in-depth coaching trainings with different specialisations
- Concept developer and brand owner of Sensitive to Success®, Holistic Sexual Empowerment® and Lustwege®
- Lecturer and Certified Female Speaker on my core topics

...what I am/did/learnt and what influences my work:

- Highly sensitive, intuitive and scanner
- Mother of two now grown-up children
- Speaker and course developer for the topics: Nature connection, high sensitivity, sexuality, women's wisdom and intuition
- Blessed with a clear mind, a big heart and a lot of power and able to bring this to the table
- Simpson Protocol Advanced® and Simpsons Protocol Sexual Health® - Practitioner
- WingWave® Coach
- Palmtherapy®-Master Practitioner
- MindTV®--Practitioner
- Transformation Coach
- Awakening Woman Institute: Temple Training and Women's Circle Leadership
- Self:Cervix and Awakening Breasts Practitioner
- Hypnosis (certification by the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians)
- NLP Basics
- Medial training with Nicole Schwarz (Basel), Andy Schwab (Zurich) and Dyan Ferguson (San Francisco)
- WomansMysteries-Practitioner according to Christine Page
- Biomancy student with Azra and Seren Bertrand
- Many years of work with energetic methods from various schools since 1996 (shamanism according to the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and Antonio Villoldo, Emotionscode)
- Certified MAP practitioner
- Herbal wisdom from the Blue Deer Institute according to Cowan and from many great local herbalists, among others

- Accompanying many people over the years with ever new insights
- the enthusiasm for bringing people back into their energy and their ‘glow’
- the belief and experience that a harmonious and fulfilling life is possible and looks different for everyone - and that there is no good life without overcoming crises
- a healthy aversion to bureaucracy, lobbying and outdated structures blocking real help and positive change for people
I believe in self-responsibility and freedom of development as well as in being a harmonious part of a greater whole and that co-operation is the true key to evolution

Traditional psychotherapy, hypnosis and some trauma therapy approaches - as good as they may be for some - are far too one-sided, too ineffective and in some respects no longer up to date according to the latest research, which is why I have spent years searching for more effective and pain-free methods in various areas in order to help people even better.  The body and the larger context of a person's (life) are not considered important in many approaches, not to mention everything that concerns spirituality and intuitive knowledge. Yet without all this, a happy life is not possible. So many people struggle with constant stress, frustration, questions of meaning, fears and feelings of loneliness or have ‘inexplicable’ physical problems - because no one has ever worked with them to find out what they are literally ‘missing’. This requires a safe space, a little courage to look at things and, ideally, experienced and well-grounded counselling.Especially when someone is struggling with trauma, anxiety or frustrating behavioural patterns, it is terrible how much is still done in clinics, practices or by ‘weekend certificate xy coaches’ that either doesn't work or worse still: repeats the pain and doesn't solve everything.
If things don't go any further, ‘patients’ are discharged from the practice without having received any real help, and in some cases they are accused of not having tried hard enough. I have great respect for everyone who has faced up to this and is still fighting their way back to life every day. But I also hope that nobody has to go through this again!
There are many helpful approaches and methods - but I personally find MAP - Make Anything Possible (it's a training programme from the USA, so the original is in English - I give advice in German and English). In my opinion, MAP is the most effective, gentle and sustainable. I like to complement it with intuitive approaches and all my therapeutic expertise in counselling.I will soon be creating a page about exactly what MAP is. You can find information in English here:

My values are freedom, authenticity, co-operation and development. Creating a space to restore harmony and balance is important to me. Because only when a person is well connected with themselves and with everything in the network can healing become possible and healthy growth occur. In a crisis, all people can temporarily lose this basis, it is only important to get back to it.

As I like freedom, a lot of nature around me and new paths, both privately and professionally, I emigrated to Crete in Greece in 2023. 
