Merle Haverkamp - 

deine Begleiterin aus der Krise! 

  Are you looking for professional help because you have one or more of these problems?

- Anxiety (social anxiety, fear of failure, specific fears or generalised anxiety)
- depressive or obsessive thoughts, constant sadness or
- from ‘I should actually be fine, but... ‘ to ‘no longer being able to feel anything’
- Unprocessed experiences from your past (traumas or memories that just won't leave you alone and are still affecting you)
- Current challenges or crises in your private or working life
- Relationship and family conflicts
- ‘I don't know who I am anymore’ after life changes such as break-ups, death of loved ones or job loss
- you are constantly ill or have chronic problems and your doctor can't find anything to explain it and you suspect it could be due to stress and/or psychological reasons
- spiritual crises or experiences ‘that you can't tell anyone about because they would think I'm crazy’
- you're simply not achieving your goals and don't know why you're not making it...

Then you've come to the right place.

Why am I possibly the right companion for YOU?

On the one hand, I love to bring people back to their inner fire and always look for the quickest and best ways to do this. Down-to-earth, goal-orientated and clear, but always with a lot of heart and spiritual connection as a foundation.
We work online via Zoom (except in face-to-face courses) and you have no travelling time or additional effort. After many hundreds of client hours, I can say that it works just as well online as on site, you get used to it really quickly.
Secondly, I work holistically: trained and licensed in classical therapy methods; experienced with energetic and body-based methods; gifted with intuitive perception for patterns and hidden connections behind challenges and coming from a lineage of healers who also work spiritually.
My hourly rate is no higher than an all-inclusive visit to the hairdresser and significantly cheaper than changing the timing belt on a Ferrari (or cheaper than an MOT with AU ;-)) - if you're not at peace with yourself, the most important person in your life, you won't be able to really enjoy anything else either.  And when you are with yourself, doors open that you can't even see yet... I speak from experience.

How you can get started!
You write me a message (under contact or or give me a call and we will discuss whether and how I can help you.  You can ask me anything and find out everything you need to know to make an informed decision for yourself about who you want to work with.
When we work together, we will clarify your goals, your path so far and where you currently stand and then move quickly into direct processing and finding the next steps for action. You will get to know your possible self-sabotaging beliefs, emotional blockages and behavioural patterns and how you can change them. You can also get to know the language of your subconscious, your body and your ‘higher self’ and how you are connected to life itself.
You have a safe space where you can (finally) talk about everything or you can choose not to share details but still learn techniques to bring you back into your power - depending on what YOU need. It is YOUR path and I am happy to accompany you with my years of experience, professionalism and, above all, openness to all topics and paths in life

Brief definition of the terms psychotherapy, coaching and mentoring 

Psychotherapy (psycho = soul) is a method for healing or alleviating mental illnesses and crises. I also see it as a way of learning to understand your soul better and to walk your path in life more easily when it is in harmony with your personality. For me, illness is disbalance and an opportunity to grow in a better direction.
Mentoring is more about a longer-term working relationship in change processes.Coaching is more clearly thematically defined, time-limited and strongly goal-orientated, which lends itself to very specific topics and challenges.
Translated with (free version)
